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Valentine’s Day Gifts for Man and Wife

AKA: Why I’m still a sucky gift giver!

Another holiday celebrated by spouses has come.  Today is Valentine’s Day.  The one day a year that you have to express your undying love for someone (or ones).  Boyfriends get to surprise their girlfriends with roses and chocolate, as girlfriends secretly hope for a diamond ring.  Kiddos take festive heart-shaped and cartoon-faced paper and candy valentines to their classmates.  And husbands have to get to show their wives just how much they love and appreciate them.  Traditionally, it’s been a major stressor for most men.  In my case, I’m the one who stresses about it.

Actually, I almost completely forgot about it this year. Just like last year when I was in angst because my little guy hadn’t gotten here yet, this year I’ve been worried about putting together the perfect 1st Birthday Party.  My lord…where are my priorities?  Despite my continued obsession with Pinterest, I still didn’t get it together. With 1.3K pins, you’d think I’d have a few ideas to effortlessly put together.  Unfortunately, I remain a sucky gift giver.  I made a decent effort.  What I’m trying to say, is that my version of romance was Beard Wash and a Facial brush for my husband.  Damn, it sounded so good in my mind.

Let’s break down my gift and then I’ll explain why my husband puts me to shame.  Husbands if you’re reading this, you’ll get some great ideas for next year.  Ladies, I suppose my idea for Valentines is great for the metro type of man.

Bluebeards Original Beard Wash

Found on Amazon, this beard wash received excellent reviews.  Using is supposed to help the beared obtain soft facial hair and smooth skin underneath.  Skin can get itchy and dry underneath a beard, so this should help.  It has lime which helps “break down trapped dirt and oil clinging to hair shafts and follicles”, and aloe which “softens and soothes skin and beard“.  Fantastic, right?  Chris has had a beard for years now and I thought a little treat for his facial hair would be nice.  And save his sometimes itchy skin.  I paired the beard wash with a manual facial brush. (Because getting him a Clarisonic might be pushing it)

Bass Facial Brush

So, it’s a nice gift, yeah?  Not over the top, but says I love you AND your facial hair.

On to Chris and Oscar’s gift for me…

Oscar got me a little card and gift cards to Chipotle and Starbucks.  Oh dear, how my son and husband know how much I’m addicted to Chipotle.  (The employees now know myself and my coworkers orders each time we come in)

Photo Feb 14, 8 56 39 PM

Perfect in itself! Food and coffee.  I think I’m complete now.

No, there’s more…

After Chris left for work the UPS man delivered to me a beautiful personalized canvas print from Red Envelope. (A go-to gift place for husbands.  Chris loves it!).  Each gift comes in a richly colored red box with a cream ribbon and those two little words- Red. Envelope.

Photo Feb 14, 12 25 17 PM

Photo Feb 14, 12 25 10 PM

I’ve never been one for phrase prints but this has very special meaning and is painted in one of my favorite shades of blue. It’s beautiful my friends. I immediately hung it on the wall.  And as luck mind reading would have it, I hung it on the same wall that Chris was thinking of.  The phrase “I love you to the moon and back” is familiar to some of you and from the book we read to Oscar- Guess How Much I Love You.   Makes my heart pitter patter to know that I have two handsome men that love me so much.

Two of the best gifts EVER.  

So that’s it, right?

Of course not…

Something even better, that I’m already day dreaming of.

From Chris, in my card, a personalized coupon book, like I did for Chris for our anniversary in this post, but only waaayyyy better coupons.

Photo Feb 14, 9 00 07 PM

Can you read those gorgeous little pieces of paper? Let me recite them for you..

2014 Love My Sweetie Coupons good for:

One week free of helping with the dishes

One weekend of sleeping in as late as you want

One week break from cleaning the catbox

One lunch (of your choosing) delivered to you at work (please allow 24 hour notice)

One week of my nightstand, dresser, and side of the bed being clean without exception

One afternoon blogging at Starbucks

One night free of cell phone, laptop, tablet usage by both of us

One 30 minute massage

One run to the town center for a treat of your choosing

One girls night out after work without feeling bad for leaving me home with buns

One $100 shopping spree

And One year of all the love you can handle

I’m giddy.  Over the moon.  Salivating at the prospect of some of these.  I’m already planning what I’ll wear.  Preparing to take camera shots of Chris’s nightstand and dresser spotless.  Excited, ya hear??   I’m a mom and love my son one hundred times over, but I am the first to admit, I’d love some time out to myself, time with my girls, new fashionable outfits, and a clean house.  This is the MOST PERFECT GIFT for a mother and wife, even if it’ll only last a fraction of time.   I’ll need to get my decision making skills in order to make the most of these.

How can I compete?  It must be the Thompson competitive gene in him.  =)

He says I “give what I would want” and that he gives “what you want”.  He’s totally correct.  Any new approaches to gift giving peeps?

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